Michael Davis Flow Over Fear

Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking with Michael Davis

Are you dreading your next presentation or speech? Tune in to this episode of the “Flow Over Fear” podcast where we speak with coach Michael Davis, who went from a fearful speaker to a confident presenter. Learn Michael’s tips for getting clear on your message, telling stories that inspire, and overcoming nerves. This conversation is full of practical advice that will help you rise above your fears so you can finally convey your message the way you truly want it!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • What sets unforgettable speakers apart
  • How to deliver a message that sticks
  • Public speaking preparation and practice techniques
  • The importance of storytelling in presentations
  • Dealing with critics and feedback in public speaking

Episode Highlights:

[07:51] What Sets Unforgettable Speakers Apart: Impact vs. Ego

Michael highlights the crucial difference between a forgettable speaker and a memorable one. While the forgettable speaker concerns themselves with what others think of them, the unforgettable speaker focuses on the impact they have on their audience. The key, he emphasizes, is to let go of worrying about people’s opinions and instead channel all energy into delivering a compelling message.

[13:06] Public Speaking Preparation And Practice Techniques

When it comes to preparing and practicing for public speaking engagements, there are several techniques that can help ensure a smooth and impactful delivery.

  1. Start with a clear main message: Identify the key takeaway you want your audience to walk away with. Craft a concise one-sentence summary that captures the essence of your talk. This message will serve as the guiding thread throughout your presentation.
  2. Structure your presentation: Once you have your main message, organize your content in a logical flow that supports and reinforces that message. Consider incorporating stories, statistics, facts, research, and case studies that align with your central theme. Additionally, plan how you will open and conclude the presentation to orient the audience and deliver a memorable promise of what they will gain from your talk.
  3. Practice in chunks: Rather than attempting to memorize your entire script, break it down into smaller sections or chunks. Practice each section separately, internalizing the flow and structure of your presentation. Avoid sounding overly rehearsed by allowing some natural variation in each practice session. This will help you speak more conversationally and authentically.
  4. Embrace conversational language: Recognize that the way we write is different from how we speak naturally. If you find yourself repeatedly getting stuck at a certain point during practice, it may be an indication that the script does not align with your natural speaking style. Have a conversation with a friend or record yourself speaking spontaneously to better capture the intended meaning and revise the script accordingly.

[17:30] The Importance of Storytelling

According to Michael Davis, there are two main reasons that storytelling is important in presentations:

  1. To give people hope. Sharing stories of challenges you have overcome allows the audience to relate to you and believe that if you did it, they can too. Stories about personal growth and transformation are inspiring.
  2. To generate emotion. Audiences won’t listen to or remember a message unless it evokes some feeling in them. Tapping into emotions like hope, fear, and sadness through compelling stories helps the audience connect with your message on a deeper level. It shows them you can solve a problem rather than just explaining it. Stories make ideas stick in the minds of the audience.

Resources Mentioned:


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