The Foundation of Transformation: Three Things You Need to Change Your Life
Are you struggling to maintain momentum in achieving your goals? In this video, I share my experience with transformation and the foundation that can help you change your life. I’m not a mental health professional, but I believe everyone is capable of making the transformation they truly desire. I discuss the challenges we face in maintaining transformation amidst daily struggles and the importance of focusing on the things we can control.
Join me to learn about the three most crucial things that can serve as a foundation to help you make that transformation.
1. Willingness
2. Leverage
3. Community
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instead say can I just be willing rightnow in this momentright now one step at a timeand acknowledge imperfection that’s okaybecause it’s not about perfection it’sabout progresshello everyone and welcome to the flowover fear podcast where it is ourmission to help you to rise above fearand realize your ultimate potential inleadership and life I’m your host AdamHill and it is my goal to share with youthe human side of high performance myguests share their experience with fearanxiety struggle Challenge and mostimportantly despite all of it how theyRose above it to achieve incredibleresults so if you’re ready to rise uplet’s get started hey everyone welcometo this episode of flow over fear andthree things and today I want to sharethree things that you need in your lifeto transform your life whether it be ahealing transformation or an empoweringtransformation these are the threeelements that I found in my own life uhand and in my experience withinterviewing others that it takes tohave that transformationnow I want to say right off the bat thatI don’t have any letters after my nameI’m not a mental health professional anduh and by no means is this medical orpsychological advice this is simply myexperience and simply my opinion on onhow we can change so if you need medicalassistance please get it uh if you needhelp know that there is support outthere know that there is uh that thereis support out there for whatever youneed please reach out get the help youneed uh but uh ultimatelywhen it comes down to my opinion on onthese things and and how we cantransform Our Lives my opinion is and mybelief isthat everyone in this world is capableof making the transformation that theydesire that they truly desire and theproblem is is that we struggle when wewhen we have that desire when we havethat impulse or or that desire to changethat a lot of times we struggle tomaintain momentumamidst the daily struggles the dailychallenges we findit becomes difficult to uh to maintainthat transformation when when the thingsaround us are impacting us the thingsthat are outside of our controland the result is that when that happenswhen we when wewhen we have those moments of weaknesswe fall back into our old habitsand we continue to remain dreamerspeople who are dreaming about the resultthat we want in our lives thattransformation we want without havingactually uh feeling like we’re able toachieve itand that’s a that’s a very demoralizingplace to be in and I’ve been there somany times in my lifewhen you know I wanted to make asignificant changeand I just wasn’t able towhen I uh when I had my when when I wasliving in my alcoholism Ithis was a frequent thing in my lifethat I had these impulses these thesethese desires after something of courseafter something bad had happenedum that I would want to get sober or Iwould have the Instinct that I need toget soberand Iwould do okay for a while but maybe fora few days for a few weeks butultimately I would always relapse and Iwould go back into my old unhealthyhabits and then feel that demoralizationnever being able to feel like I was ableto get soberand I know for many people who strugglewith that diseasethat’s what they feel is there’s a lotof hopelessness there that they thatthey don’t feel like there’s a way outthat that the that sobriety is reallyfor somebody else and not for themnothing could be farther from the truthby the way because if I can get soberthan anybody canuh but uh uh but but ultimately that’sthe way we feel and we internalize itand that’s a big big issue and the sameis true for for other desires that maynot be you know may not be addictionrelated may not be mental health relatedbut may just be with regard to some ofthe desires we have like having a bettercareer or or starting the business wemight want to start uh oftentimes whenthings get things get hardwe fail to maintain the momentum and wego back into our old habitsbut here’s the thing that that despitethe things that are outside of ourcontrolthat we can’t control we have to firstacknowledge what we can’t control and beokay with thatI mean that that just has to be okaybecause if we’re going to keep beatingour heads against the things that wecan’t control and obsess about thatwell then we’re not going to make anyHeadwaybut if we can obsessively focus on thethings that are in our controlandform the right set of circumstancesbecause with the right set ofcircumstances that are within ourcontrolwe can change the trajectory of OurLivesas long as we’re focused on the thingswe can’t controland flowing with the things that areoutside of our controlwe can change the trajectory of ourlives and there are three things thatare the most important in my opinionthat serve as a foundation to help makethat happenthe first of which is willingnessnow this may sound crazybut a lot of times when when some of usthink that we want somethinguh we’re actually not willingto do the work to get itthis I know it sounds crazy but how Imean how could I want something and notbe willing to go after it well thereality is is you know there’sthere’s a lot of us who you know want tomake a million dollars but we don’t wantto put in the type of work it takes toget therewe don’t want to reach out to people wedon’t want to try to add value incertain ways or we don’t want to wedon’t want to do this but or thatum the willingness just isn’t thereand this was something I had to come toterms to in my attempts with sobrietywas that early on I want while I wantedto be sober I wasn’t willing to do whatit took to get itum and and that was the biggest thing itwasn’t because I couldn’tI’m really digging deep really diggingdeep within my soul when I finally gotsober when I finally started doing thework I realized that it was awillingness issueand that willingness issue reallyrevolved around fearI was afraid to reach outto a to find a sponsor I was afraid tolean into the communitybecause what if I failand I was constantly trying to pleasepeople what if I failed and these peoplejudged methe fear of never being able to drinkagain weighed so heavily on me that uhum that that that was a athat affected my willingness to go therethat fear affected my willingnessso the way to that we have to rise abovethat is again is tois to accept those things that areoutside of our control and focus on thepresent in that particular occurrence ifwe’re afraid of having the willingnessto take those first stepsthen recognizing that it is one step ata time and breaking it down in that is areally powerful way to to gain thatwillingnesseven if you’re instead of saying well Ihave to constantly be willing over thenext you know over this lifetime orhowever long it isum that you would have to do thatum instead say can I just be willingright now in this momentright now one step at a timeand acknowledge imperfection that’s okaybecause it’s not about perfection it’sabout progressand so taking one step at a time andjust recognize I’m willing right nowand knowing what that takes that’s howwe get over the fear because againwillingness is absolutely related tofear and our ability to move Beyond itnot get over it we don’t get over fearbut we can actually rise above it and bewilling in the momentand the second thing that you need so sothat’s the first thing that you need totransform your life is willingness toactually do it dig deep are you reallywilling to transform your life in apositive way it’s just again it’s notjust with healing it’s also withempowerment are you truly willing tochange your health and fitness are youtruly willing to transform yourfinancial Outlook are you truly willingto transform your careerand that that’s that’s what you needthat doesn’t mean doing it for someoneelse it doesn’t mean doing it for familyit doesn’t mean doing it for the personthat you love it means doing it for youyou have to be willing you have to wantit more than anything else in the worldand that’s just the the fact and thetruth of itand the second part the second thingthat you need to transform your lifewhen you have the willingness is theLeveragenow leverage does not mean moneyit’s not financial leverage you don’tneed financial leverage to transformyour life it’s all up herewhat kind of mental leverage can yougive yourself and to to uh to make thatdramatic change in your life that youwant and a lot of times that leveragecomes from uh from having a big enoughdesirethat is stronger than your uh than thefear that is fighting it that you’refighting against it that’s what we talkabout when we’re Rising above fear thatyou have to have a desire that isstronger than uh that initial fear is itso it has to have a powerful meaning ithas to be aligned with your core valuesis that desire thereand there’s another part of Leveragethat that um that Tony Robbins talksabout a lot he talks about pain andpleasure there’s leverage on both sidesof those but but we can get leveragefrom both pain and pleasure where is nottransforming your life causing youtremendous amounts of pain and where isthat pain so unbearable that you mustmake that change in your life that youmust transform your life to change itif if it’s something that’s that’shurting you or hurting your health canyou acknowledge that pain and and andmake it strong enough that you want tochange your life that you make thattransformationand even more important than thatis there’s so much pleasure on the otherside of that transformation that it isdriving youtoward must again making that changeum that’s that’s the bigger one I’veheard in a number of these interviewsthat I’ve had with peopleum especially one with that I’verecently had with Jamie Gruber uh thatthat when we’re making a change in ourlives it’s better to be running towardssomething than away from somethingbecause when we’re running away fromsomething there’s a lot of fear involvedthere we’re fighting we’re fleeing fromit and again remember when we fight andflee fear we don’t winbut when we rise above it when we canembrace it when we can embrace it as asignal for growth we can look at thethings that we want and run towards thethings that we desireone of the ways in which we could dothis is through a visualization practicethrough a morning ritual that thatallows you to visualize the life thatyou want with such intense detail thatyou can uh that that that it becomes apart of who you are and it’s amazing thethe neural Pathways and and Dr AlicePenn talked about this on my show isthat when you can visualize your futureidentity with such intense detail itactually changes the the the the theneural Pathways in your mind that yourealize what’s possible and if you canconsistently do that on a daily basis ofof visualizing the life that you want inyour morning meditation visualizing thecolors the smells the the the the thethe atmosphere the sounds of what thatachievement looks likethat gives you the pleasure enough tostart really chasing it if you do thatin the morning and the evening in theevening if you do it before bedtime itbecomes a part of what’s what’s a piecetogether while you sleep if you do it inthe morning it shapes the course of yourdaythat’s the first step towards towardsgetting the leverage to actually makethose changes in your life so again howare you making uh not changing nottransforming painful enough for you andhow are you making the pleasure which isthe most important part the end resultso uh so pleasurable so uh empoweringfor you that you must make that changethe final piece is something that youwill probably be able to tell me becauseI’ve said it so many times and we’veheard it so many times on this show uhthe third thing that you need totransform your life is a communityand that again whether it’s healing orempowerment or or changing your Fitnessnow it is a community that can help yousucceed in that and stay consistentthat Community can help you to get soberthat’s how that’s how I got sobered Ifound people who had what I wanted whichwas sobrietyit I found a community of people thatwere working toward the same goal everyday as I was and uh and that helped meto stay sober Community can also helpyou to reach your goals to reach yourempowering goals whether it be a fitnessgoal or a um or a a a financial goalCommunity can help you with thatand Community as as I’ve mentioned inprevious weeks involves a couple ofthings it involves either a mentoreither or both of these things a mentorsomebody who has what you want and who’swilling to show you how to get there anduh and it’s important that you find theright mentor and somebody who’s willingto work with you and many people whohave achieved things I know this getsscary for a lot of people because theydon’t want to find a mentor but whatpeople understand when they’ve trulybecome successful is that when they’vebecome successful or when they’veachieved something that that that thatthe best way for them to gainfulfillmentis to give it away and to share it withothersthis is true in sobriety because one ofthe things that helps keep people soberis when they’re helping other people tostay sober there’s a selfish thing inthat this is true of mentorship too iswhen you’re building other people upthey can do the things that you’re doingyou’re building up a community aroundyou you’re reinforcing what you’re doingwell so remember if you’re finding theright Mentor mentors want to helpand that may mean you have to pay forthem it may mean you have to pay for acoachum but uh but oftentimes it may mean youjust find the right friend or personthat that has been there before andthey’re willing to help you through itand it’s important that as they’rehelping you through it that you’readding value in return what can you dofor themeither financially or or in some otherwayumthat’s how you can that’s how you canbuild on that and the other part ofcommunity is that you’re you’re alignedwith people that are also working towardthe same goals it’s like a cohort ofpeople a group of people that areworking toward the same thing you are ifit’s whether it be in in business or infitness and health or even you know oreven sobriety there’s those two elementsthere is mentorship and a cohort ofpeople working toward the same thing butthe common theme there is that they holdthat that there’s accountability thateverybody’s holding one anotheraccountable in that group and that youare working toward a common goalum and those are really the three thingsthat can help you to uh the three thingsthat you need in your life that willEmpower you to transform your life againit’s not an exhaustive thing and andit’s it’s this is just my opinion andexperience through this this is notmedical adviceum so if you are struggling withsomething significant please please gethelp get help uh lean into thatCommunity aspect first uh but if you dothis if you can employ these processesemploy these three things uh you trulycan transform your life and I believethat is possible for everybody and youcan become the person you want to bewith a compelling enough dream to makethat happenthank you so much for joining me today Iappreciate you joining me on uh wellover beer we’ll catch you next time heyeveryone Thanks for tuning in to theflow over fear podcast if you’d like tolearn more about getting into flow andlearn the foundations of flow I have afree video series on my website called thefoundations of flow feel free to gothere and download it and start yourjourney to Rising above fear andachieving greater flow in your life ifyou like this episode and I’m guessingyou did if you stuck around for thislong then please do me a favor and hitthe Subscribe button and you willreceive notifications when I have newinterviews new Recaps and new trainingsthat pop up on YouTube thanks again forjoining usthank you