Kristen Hartnagel Flow Over Fear

How to Find Grace In Grief With Kristen Hartnagel

In this conversation, Adam Hill speaks with personal brand strategist Kristen Hartnagel, about personal branding, finding joy in grief, slaying your dragon of imposter syndrome, and the alchemy of joy. 

Kristen has worked with New York Times bestselling authors, award-winning talent agents, and celebrities as well as billionaire influencers. As a keynote speaker, professional singer, and business coach, Kristen helps you evolve into your next level of greatness – whether in your business or your life.

Kristin is also a certified trainer for Infinite Possibilities, a program to develop your ability to see the future for what is possible, and not be constrained by limiting beliefs. How you show up to share your gifts and talents is a spiritual endeavor, and Kristin is the master at drawing out your best as a founding team member of the global personal branding company, Brand Builders Group. Helping clients build and scale their businesses and personal brands, Kristin is on a mission to help you release the past, live in the present, and take charge of your future. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • How she incorporates music into her keynotes
  • The detachment process
  • How to detach from grief with amusement
  • What is miracle-mindedness?
  • How to lean into joy amidst grief
  • Slaying the dragon of imposter syndrome moment by moment
  • On building your personal brand

Episode Highlights:

[08:47] Finding Grace in Grief

People are struggling with grief because they either aren’t processing it well or there’s been a lot of fear around the idea of loss.  There isn’t a one size fits all way to go through grief. But a good way to start is to honor where you are and learn to detach from it with amusement. 

[18:52] What is Miracle-Mindedness?

Miracle-mindedness is being fully present. When we’re not fully present, we’re thinking about something that we can’t control, which is the past, or we’re thinking about something that we can control, which is the future. Instead, just be in the moment and take responsibility for how you feel in that moment. Miracle-mindedness is that state of surrendering what you can’t control. It is allowing that state of grace to be guided by intuition.

[30:53] The Alchemy of Joy

Joy is our natural state. As humans, we tend to assign or label every experience we have as good or bad. But if you can just become an alchemist of joy, then you can transmute grief or pain into something that may not necessarily be joyful, but at least less oppressive. Then use your skills as an alchemist to make decisions and think about things differently.

[39:18] Building Your Personal Brand

You have a personal brand. If you haven’t created a personal brand, then it’s been created unintentionally. However, you can choose to refine by finding clarity around who you are, what you do, how you do it, and who you do it for. 

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