How to Get Into Your Flow State With Brett Harmeling
We live in a society where reacting to health issues is the status quo. But when we are proactive about our mental and physical health, we can spend less time reacting. Today, Brett Harmeling is going to share some biohacking tips to heal your body, get healthy, and get you in your state of flow.
Brett is a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, and investor involved in AI technology, real estate, and biohacking. Also a certified yoga instructor, Brett helps people unlock their full potential through energy optimization, movement, and biohacking.
Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:
- The importance of managing your energy
- How to find your way out of pain
- The power of creating and curating relationships
- Biohacking tips you should start doing today
- About Hives for Heroes
- How to get into the flow state
Episode Highlights:
[07:03] The Importance of Managing Your Energy
Everything is energy and we absorb energy, whether that’s good or bad. Because we’re energetic beings, we vibrate with frequencies. When we’re not connected to the frequency of love and gratitude, we become dysregulated. Therefore, learn how to manage your energy and how you show up in life because your energy introduces you before you even speak.
[10:00] How to Find Your Way Out of Pain
Pain trumps pleasure any day of the week., Ifif you’re having a good time in your bedroom, and there’s a bear starting to attack you, you’re gonna go to the pain. And so all suffering just comes from focusing on ourselves. When you, when you stop focusing on that, on yourself, you truly are able to see the bigger picture. It’s important to understand the psychology of good and bad and pain and pleasure and how those feelings and those sensations make you make choices and how you respond to those choices. Shift your focus and start practicing gratitude. The powerful shifts can come from the smallest changes.
[23:20] Biohacking Tips
Spend time outside. We were not designed to be inside. Being inside is 75% more toxic than being outside.Â
Breathing – The Wim Hof breathing method allows you to introduce more oxygen into your system. You’re bringing more oxygen into your system, more oxygen means more energy. There’s also a breathing technique to bring your heart rate down as you go to sleep. Nasal breathing and longer exhalation can put you to sleep almost immediately.
Water – You don’t need to drink as much water as you probably think. You just need to drink the right kind of water. It’s quality over quantity.Â
Sleep – A 20-minute power nap equals about three hours of regular sleep, but you have to train yourself to do it. 68 F is the optimal sleeping temperature. After the sun sets, your natural circadian response is to sleep. And so, the only light that you should be seeing is the same energy wavelength as candles and fires.Â
Energy – There are tons of energetic sources that are around you (i.e. WiFi, electromagnetic frequencies, radiation, etc.) that are overstimulating your cells causing cellular degeneration or over cellular stimulation. Brett uses a device containing charged beads that mitigate and harmonize the energetic frequencies that his body is exposed to keep his aura clean.
[42:44] How to Get Into the Flow State
A flow state is a feeling where you get fully immersed in whatever you’re doing. This is only created in pure presence and sound is an important way to get into a flow state. The vibrational frequency of love is 5-8 hertz. If you’re listening to a sound that gets you to 20 hertz, it’s almost impossible for your heart not to start opening up and breaking down those barriers that you put up around it. Other ways include supplements and high-vibe mushrooms. Whatever it takes you to get into that state of pure presence is how you can actually feel the flow state.
Resources Mentioned:
 welcome to flowoverfear everyone thanks for joining us I have a great guest today a real renaissance man his name is Brettharmeling and he is a father a husband a renaissance man who seeks adventure andis passionate about living life to the fullest Brett is a Serial entrepreneur aphilanthropist an investor an MBA involved in AI technology real estate and by hacking all of the fun stuff andthey and he as a 10 plus year 500 hours certified yoga instruction instructor heis driven to help people unlock their full potential through energy optimization movement and biohackingBrett has traveled to over 56 countries and enjoys nature inspired explorationcultural experiences and all sorts of great things like that Brett is focusedon activating relationships to create communities that generate Limitless opportunities to solve complex Globalissues that leave an indelible imprint on Humanity now Brett is that allWelcome to our show buddy thanks for being here Adam thank you so much for inviting me to come on here I’m superexcited to be here and grateful for the opportunity absolutely well I love that description as a renaissance man I meanyou you have this passion for life and I think you’ve described yourself as as aas a unshakable optimist so where does that stem from like how do you stayoptimistic I mean I know there’s so much going on in the world today how do you keep that optimism amidst everythingthat happens in life yeah I mean I grew up uh small you know and I grew up uhwith the limited beliefs that I couldn’t do certain things and I was bullied bullied as a kid and from those fromthose experiences that really was like I was The Little Engine That Could and I just kept going I kept pursuing I keptpushing and uh that resiliency led me to uh make remarkable impacts in anythingthat I got involved in so I’m like okay here we are The Little Engine That Could or that that Lionheart mentality likeI’ll never quit and people you know people didn’t people didn’t like that but at the same time it’s like I’m gonnakeep going and people know that about me so it’s all Pursuit so it’s all persistence based and and I can resonatecertainly and I can relate to the being bullied as a kid and I kind of want to step back and can maybe talk a littlebit about that because there there seems to be a theme that happens with a lot of high Achievers that I’ve talked to itsays like as they were younger they went through this kind of trial or they were maybe introverted or they they werebullied how do you think what so what would do you mind kind of talking about what happened there and how that shapedyou going forward definitely so uh as a kid you know I was I always felt kind of limited I was apeople person and you know I grew up in a small Dutch Village uh with with uh with a pathway for success and I was Iwas seeking how to get out of the pathway now now that I’m older and I have a son I’m really grateful that Ihad that discipline and that Focus moving forward but I was definitely I was the black sheep I was the one I wasthe crazy kid running around the classroom asking questions um having the hardest time understandingsimple things and also the kid that was the most curious and creative with projects and uh I was challenging thequote breaking the rules you know as they say right and so being in that place you know is really uncomfortablewhen you’re when everybody when everyone knows everyone and so it was fine because it allowed me to see that it wasdifferent but I think like now that I’m an adult and I have wisdom embedded in me like I I realize that like ourgreatest gift is like our unique ability to just simply be ourselves and the more we become ourselves the more we’re ableto actually activate transformation and change in the world in the prospective markets or businesses or things thatwe’re touching so yeah it’s all it’s all related and you know I was picked onbecause I was I was little and so it just made me want to do better and prove people wrong and uh kind of also thatleads to like that that performance-based love like I want to be seen and so I’m going to do this andthat also has you know left its own wounds uh I own wounds and scars but youknow you grow through those experiences and now that I’m happily married to my wife Lucia I have a kid and I’m just I’mon the pursuit of happiness daily and that’s important that it’s you knowgratitude and happiness is a choice and so it’s important to remind yourselflike life is gonna throw things at you so it’s not if it happens it’s when it happens and so all of the trauma and allof the things that have you know made maybe set myself back they’ve really been great teachers inhelping push me forward in ways that I would have never never been able to do without those things happening well it’sa there’s a lot of wisdom in that statement that trauma is a teacher and that I know that comes from a lot ofexperience uh and and not a lot of people I thinkcan grasp that right away right with with the idea of of trauma being a teacher trauma’s just a bad bad thingthat people experience so I I guess um how how did you shape that perspectiveon it that that wisdom so that it kind of shapes your life in a positive way so you had to kind of you had to have gonethrough some pretty big trials to have experienced that right yeah so so I navigated throughsome difficult uh life lessons one that I’m comes with sharing would be like losing my sister Christy in a tragicboat fire uh her and 33 other people unfortunately left planet Earthum from that fire and so wow you know in working with my therapist by the waytherapy is awesome and cool and you should engage and and just bring light to your Darkness because you’re notalone uh grief is not a linear process and so it goes in waves but my therapistyou know really taught me that every feeling is temporary whether it is good or it’s bad and something that I learnedyou know tapping into Tony Robbins teachings is that life is happening for us uh not to us and so that takes awaythat victim mindset it’s really easy to play small and tap into that fear-based mindset because a lot of things on adaily basis come across our desks or you know into our home that are you know someone would say negative and and uh soit’s what it is that you’re absorbing whether it’s even it’s simply light you know we’re energetic beings and wevibrate with frequencies and when we’re not connected to the frequency of love and gratitude then we just as humansbecome disregulated and we just attract things through our life that we’re not that are not even intentional and uh andso it’s really important to to manage your own energy and take 100 responsibility of how you show up inlife yeah and I teach people daily you know like it’s it’s your energy introduces you before you even speak andso uh as a sense childhood you know trans forming those wounds into wisdomover the course of my life has allowed me to you know be a part of circles and help others navigate through some of themost difficult things that you could possibly imagine yeah yeah I I mean it’s hard to imaginethe the kind of tragedy it would experience suddenly losing you know your sister and and 33 people on that on thatboat it’s just that’s it’s something that it’s hard to grasp but to be able to turn that into the wounds into wisdomas you say which is very that’s a it’s a brilliant way of putting it I mean we have an opportunity in this world tohelp other people especially given our experiences and even if they’re you know really challenging experiences and it’sa beautiful beautiful thing that you’re doing that in the world you know you’re taking your experiences and you’resharing how to help people how to stay optimistic you almost put this sense ofscience behind optimism in that in that way it sounds like because you’re talking about how the brain is you knowconditional that way yeah so I mean my undergrad is in education and behavioral psychology I have an MBA from RiceUniversity but so I just love to study you know patterns that peoplelike why do people do what they do it’s like that’s kind of where that I’mactually passionately curious I’m the person that I was asked okay that’s great like why do you do that and so umwhat I’ve realized is that people will hold on to their pain until they actually find something of value morethan that pain because people love people move because of pain or pleasure there’s just really only two things whenyou think about it uh like paying Trump’s pleasure any day of the week if you’re having a good time in yourbedroom and there’s a bear starting an attack you’re going to go to the pain rightand so all suffering just comes from focusing on ourselves when you just when you stop focusing about on yourself youtruly are able to see the bigger picture but we really internalize that that that pain and it feels good sometimes andbecause when you’re in pain think about a time in your life when you felt pain uh people reach out people are like areyou okay and people are like very supportive but when you’re not if you if you’re not and you’re just okay andyou’re feeling good and strong chances are people are going to try to make you feel pain it’s like inversely perspective and soit’s just important to understand the psychology of good and bad and pain and pleasure and how those feelings andthose Sensations uh make you make choices and how you uh respond to thosechoices you know one of some of the most powerful leaders in the world including my you know I like I’m on The CuttingEdge of really bridging that gap between finance and real estate and getting people optimized in their well-beingbeing and so the the discussion around energy and how energy is just a resourcefrom God and it’s how uh you use that energy which is money as a resource toenhance and evolve life in other people’s problems there’s healthy ways to do thatand so it’s just but it comes from wisdom it’s just in Consciousness right and it’struly gotta there’s got to be intention behind it otherwise the energy doesn’t do anything so you have to be you haveto be aware of it you have to be conscious of it in order to make that transformation it sounds like so yeahand and you seem to have a lot of a a really strong experience with with thatas far as turning you know going away from that pain uh to something morevaluable um and I can I I can find it relatableto a lot of people because I I when you’re saying that reinforcement of youknow you get reinforced when you’re in pain you know you get the sympathy and so often sometimes I guess it pays tofeel like the victim sometimes how how do we let go of that how do wemake pleasure more valuable than the pain that’s a good question Adam and I thinkthe re the way to just shift that focus is to step to startuh practicing gratitude it’s like literally a practice and so um I specifically utilize a journalcalled the five minute journal and it’s by intelligent change literally the simplest thing you can ever do youjournal in the morning for about three to five minutes if that and then you Journal at night and it just asks youreally simple questions that help you step into like that space and thatmindset of like oh yeah you know like I’m not alone I am powerful I am worthloving I’m okay like these things are really substantial and if you’reoperating at that with those energy with that energy of abundance then like not a lot of problems that come across youknow come come across your path they’re going to really bring you down you’re going to be like oh problem okayhow does this make me feel what am I going to do about it versus like ah likestepping straight into the the craziness and so yeah I’m glad you brought thefive minute Journal because I I started using that a few weeks ago and and I’ll tell you I hate it and I love it becauseyou know I when I get to it I’m like I just want to go to bed you know I don’t want to write this down you know but thediscipline of doing it or even right when you wake up it’s like okay I have other things I want to do but you know but the discipline of doing it it doesmake a difference like it brings your mind to that right spot during that day so that’s that just those powerfulshifts I love how the the power the powerful shifts can come from just the smallest changeum so that’s that’s that’s uh that’s pretty huge um and then I and how I mean so you’vegot a lot of of projects going on you know you’re you’re an entrepreneur you know you’re you’re a Serial entrepreneuryou’re you know you’re an executive in a lot of different things Finance real estate you know even biohacking allthese kinds of things how are you finding the time to do that uh all of those things and you know with thefamily and things like that what kind of advice can you give there on how to how to balance all that stuffyeah this is just the pursuit of the pursuit of what you love right and so Iactually just shared this uh this weekend with the Govan and Spartan race team go Bunnings is a group that Adam IAdam and I are involved in it’s a really group a great group of guys you know that that are leading epic lives andwill and just committed to nothing shy of like going for it and so I just shared in that group like the importanceof me of not uh not playing small and like how how staying focused on whatyou’re passionate about when you like I can like it’s an obsession and I’ll callit healthy at this moment but I love connecting and curating relationshipsthat Advance the potential of something that was never possible and so what that can look like is making twointroductions to uh two different companies two different Executives two differentum you know getting people placing the right jobs like you name it like I’m I’m down to do it as long as it is as theresult is positive and I gauge whether or not energetically people are readyfor it right and so it’s a pretty disruptive place to be in and not alwaysaccepted because you come in to think about it you come into an organization that’s doing something and they’re doingwell and you’re like but what if you could do this and then the upside was this like what if it worked yeah and andlike I like to be in those conversations because uh fairly recently just I joined a team youknow Vera Jet and they’re disrupting the way that private Aviation will will look and feel and work forever yeah like uhit’s like in there on the they have the right resources the right team the right they have everything uh aligned and soin in like noticing that and seeing it and having that Real World Experience I’m able to like anchor into thatpotential and from that potential and believing in the people that are behind the mission able to insert myself in avery healthy way to advance that to advance that offering to the world in a better way and so that’s yeah likeeverything that I do I come in and I you know kind of operate some people would say almost like in a Consulting aspectexcept for um it’s it feels and looks a lot different because I just become an integral part of the team and andenergetically um I don’t I don’t work with any organizations that I’m not aligned withenergetically even if they act like money thankfully at this point in my journey is not is not a factor and soI’m not I’m not money driven anymore I’m Purpose Driven and it’s really appreciated that impact for me and Iknow that everyone’s not there but if you just stay true to what you’re doing whether it’s your W-2 or mowing lawns orwhatever it is if you surround yourself with the right people I promise and guarantee you uh that if you look aroundyour life will start changing like pretty fast uh over like just by beingaround people that you’re inspired by that are challenging you a mentor of mine said I just and he’s like worthover 100 million he goes I just literally every day try to do one thing that makes me uncomfortable and I try tofind myself being the dumbest person in the room I’m like wow you’re like you’relike the top of their like in my mind you know so uh just getting getting uninspired by other people’s greatnesssome success because us as humans like we’re advanced advanced creatures thathave like Limitless potential and so we’re responsible of creating the life that we want to live and lead and soit’s like if not us then who’s going to do it yeah that’s such a great great Point uh that they you know surroundingyourself with the right people it also I mean it also gives us a sense of like when you surround yourself with the right people the wrong people also kindof show their show themselves too so you kind of realize who that is and it becomes obvious who you should let go ofum at least in my experience would you say it’s yeah yeah to that point real quick you’ll I almost can guarantee buttake a note like has anybody that’s ever that’s above you or like that you consider like really successful havethey ever like commented on a social media post or reached out saying that like what you’re doing is crazy orstupid or like cutting you down almost guaranteed you they have never it’s always the people that like you’retaking off and they want to bring you back down to their level and then it’s like they’re trying to cut you off at the knees but you’re like sorry I gottago and it’s not a bad thing you know speaking of relationships like Adam people you know like when you have ahealthy relationships sometimes those look like being friends with someone for two months and so that non-attachment orin yoga as we call it aparigraha which is like the attachment to nothing and just being okay with it with just whoyou are and where you’re at in life and your circumstances uh is something that’s it’s like a superpower right justbeing okay with where you are and if you don’t like what where you are uh God gave you a superpower and it’s calledThe Gift of choice and from the gift of choice we us as humans which like we’re the only mammalthat has the gift to shoot to make a choice we can choose you know where we’re goingin our in our life and if you don’t like something like stop doing it and then shift immediately becauseum you know the greatest thing is like you you don’t have timelike the time is the time is now yeah and that’s yeah I learned through youknow my sister leaving us early and uh making a Heavenly departure and I’m likewow okay I thought I was playing pretty big before but now I’m going like full send every dayso that so that experience of losing your sister that really changed your perspective on things it it pushed youin a different direction pushed you to live bigger yeah I mean as a practitioner of energy and movement and and just nature likeyou know part of the thing we’re doing here at Happy Life Labs is getting people reconnected to Nature usingtechnology using bees using uh different different types oftools and and practices to get People Back To Nature because we’ve become sodisconnected right that we’re just like we’re actually actually we become so connected like right social media allthese platforms how do I reach out that we’ve become disconnected and if you think about it like and so like when’sthe last you got to think about when’s the last time that you haven’t had a piece of rubber between yourself and the Earth when’s the last time that you’veyou know hugged a tree or touched the ocean or like really engage with nature I believe that the body has all thetools it needs to heal itself and I’m not saying I don’t believe in doctors or like medicine I think they all serve agreat purpose in in where we’re going in terms of living longer better lives but at the same time we do need to beconnected to the earth the earth holds the charge 7.8 milliseconds per per second right and so if we’re not gettingthat charge which you know lightning strikes the Earth one million times per second for a reason right it’s chargingthe Earth and so if we’re not absorbing that energy into our system we’re getting being disconnected so that being exposed to bad foods toxic chemicals uhyou know bad lighting all these things like are are causing us to live in thisdisruptive state which you know is hard it’s hard to deal with we already have the stress the stresses that we have ashumans with like relationships and so imagine not being connected to likeEarth and then also having to deal with your relationship problems or your business it’s like they’re all connectedso Step One is get grounded because we grow from where we’re grounded hmm yeahand getting grounded means literally getting grounded so you mean literally getting connected with the Earth soinstead of getting connected with the Earth every day Zero nothing would get like literally nothing Adam will justimagine if you didn’t wake up tomorrow would you regret not going outside today chance I’ve 100 of people would say yesyeah because you get deliver you get to look around you know like if you there’s a study about people that have been inprison and are incarcerated like the greatest like that I’ve been like in maximum security like the hardest thing ever is the deprivation from naturebecause you become inhuman so you don’t even know how to be yourselfand so um what’s crazy is that we do that to ourselves without even having to be arrested or do crazy things and soum that’s something that I’m like really passionately serious about because I just and also because you’ll never build a business bigger than you buildyourself and so if you want to grow you got to get grounded that’s like step one of everything and that’s number one tipof biohacking if you want to know is just going outside 90 more of the time we were notdesigned to be inside being inside is 75 more toxic than being outside so I’mgonna start doing my podcasts outside Adam that’s a good idea that’s a once you know if you can pull that offwithout the wind and all that kind of stuff then yeah let me know because that would be a great way to go yeah the outside podcast with Brad Homelink yeahthat’ll take off dude so yeah I I and and I think it’s a great it’s a great segue into the biohacking piece becausethis is something that’s huge you know with and I’m I’m really into this but not to the level that you are but I Imean things breathing things like taking the natural stuff that we’re already supposed to do and just leveling it up Imean I know that you’re you’re uh you know you’re you you’re into the Wim Hof breathing as as am I you know coldimmersion things like that how have those kinds of things shaped your changed your life and and given you thethat energy to succeed yeah so we can we we as humans try to over complicate things right and so andthat there’s a monetary benefit to a lot of things and so there’s and I have a cold plunge so I’m not saying don’t getit but I’m saying uh do things that make your life easier especially if you have to because the time and energy butreally uh back to the breathing thing and cold and hot they’re natural things like we weren’t also made to just be at71 degrees all the time we get comfortable in these rooms our bodies are made to be variable species that adie adapt and thrive in different Dynamic environments and like adjust now as you know we are generationallyconditioned uh we we evolve as humans and are not from a cellular level and soour cells adapt which is fine but like breathing is like the most easiest waylike if you’ve ever done a whim off session if you haven’t ever done one please do one yeah basically you’re justintroducing more oxygen into your system and if you do a two minute breath set Wim hop breathing session you willliterally feel like you just had four espressos and so you’re bringing more oxygen into your system more oxygen means moreenergy uh same thing with you know structured water you don’t need to drink as much water as you probably think youjust need to drink the right kind of water so just getting curious and andjust asking yourself why you’re doing it you know is is the is the number one question just why should I drink thatwater versus this water why should I look at that light versus this light you know there’s different techniques toBreathe Right speaking of Wim Hof breathing there’s also breathing to bring your heart rate down and go to sleep and put yourself to rest so thatif you wake up at four in the morning like I do because I have a little kid that you can take a conscious 20 minutefull deep REM power nap in the middle of the day it’s like heavenand that 20 minute power nap equals about three hours of regular sleep but you have to train yourself to do it wowso so what kind uh so I know there’s there’s a lot that’ll go into that 20 minute power nap but really if there’s ais there a kind of a a close note so you can provide to like how how do you breathe to get yourself into deep REMthat quickly is there is there a way you could do that well it’s a conscious practice and you know our bodies aredesigned to actually sleep on the on the ground too as well and so yeah it’s also best just from the natural flow of yourspine and the way the Earth is to sleep on your back right because yeah your neck is the portal between your yourhead your heart and your stomach and so if you’re not a lot if you’re doing this even like one degree you know like overtime it creates problems and I’m not saying I I can sleep perfectly in my back but at the same time nasalbreathing and longer exhales like conscious like literally I can probably put myself to sleep within five breathsmy wife can can attest to this but like it is a practice and it’s settling yourmind to a state where you know you really have to practice like to the level of letting your eyes roll back tothe back of your head and like looking down at your cranial Seiko Ridge and like knowing what that feels like andthen just doing a full body examination like where do I feel this where do I feel that breathing energy through thesystem all the way through that pain or through that tight spot or whatever it is you’re feeling and then back outbecause it releases that initial tension that actually keeps people like like fidgeting and awake so that and thentemperature 68 degrees is the optimal sleeping temperature by the way so you can use things like uh sleep me uh whichis a math that you put underneath your mattress like on top of your mattressum which is incredible it regulates your body temperature light and so you want ahundred percent black light like I’m the crazy person who takes the lights of the fire extinguisher of the the fire thingseven in hotels like I can’t have any light yeah that because your body after the sun sets your natural circadianresponse is it’s time to go to sleep so the only light that you should be seeing is the same energy wavelength as candlesand fires you think about that that’s pretty crazy because we really have setourselves up in today’s world to not be able to do that we have we have a lighting system in ourhome where we can set we can calibrate the energy of the lights based on where the sun is that’s so true I mean and youmake a great point there regarding you know just our evolutionary uh condition to to to experience these things and allof a sudden within a hundred years you know where all of a sudden boom like all of the stimulus you know light andtelevisions and news and everything’s at our at our fingertips and yeah that thatI mean I can attest to this my kids can attest to this that that causes a lot of anxiety a lot of sleeplessness a lot ofyou know unhealth a lot of lack of energy and so I I really do believe in what you’re saying here as far asgetting back to that especially within the natural state of what we’re doing like sleep like how we eat how we how weget our energy right yeah and then like the last thing before we move on is likethe most important like the like all equally important is managing the the invisible enemy which is emfselectromagnetic frequencies and so the things that your phone emits the Wi-Fi in your home the thing like like thethere’s tons of energetic sources that are around you that are actually over stimulating your cells calling causingcellular degeneration or cellular over cellular stimulation causing you toliterally be in that space and so like simple tools that I use I have one right now it’s called a you know Leela Quantumcapsule this this has charged charged beads inside of it that mitigate andharmonize the energetic frequencies that I’m exposing my body to and so I’m able to wherever I’m going beable to protect and keep my aura clean important right yeah so you notice asignificant difference with with that when you’re as you’re using that versus when you don’t have it or how does thatyeah I I I do yeah you know we have a Quantum energy Block in our Center whichyou know that block is a much bigger product than anything that you put in it it charges and then it also charges a 3000 foot radius around it so incredible products like this that you know no not a lot of people talk about but it’squantum physics it’s invisible you can’t see it but when you’re in the presence of it it truly does make a differencelike when you come to Happy Life Labs in Houston you’ll literally be like it feels nice in here you know likeand we have great technology so it’s like but it feels good it’s because everything is you know we keep theenergy clean the space is is good yeah well it’s and it’s it’s I would say it’seasy for people to kind of shrug something like that off because you know it’s like it’s something people don’tthink about you know it’s like well it’s it’s something you don’t see but but I mean you think about it there’s you know the same is true for things likeradiation or or other things I mean if if we don’t you know try to you know atleast think and be open-minded to the ideas that these could be uh having an effect on us you know where the theseit’s it’s it’s relatively new technology so I would um yeah I mean I think thatwhat you’re saying is definitely you know some there’s there’s something to it for sure yeah Dr Mercola and uh theshielded healing Brian Hoyer are the people that are Way Beyond light years and Beyond Us in this type of stuff butthey’re they’re both people that have really dedicated their life to exposing and expelling like the dangers of 5G andlike okay as good as 5G is in terms of connecting us and creating you know better technology it also comes with amajor rich risk and so just like you said radiation like our bodies areenergetic and light beings and so we absorb energy whether it’s good or bad we we don’t get to choose we just absorbit yeah and so that’s why it’s important to to mitigate the risks and to reverseuh and cleanse out the things that our bodies do absorb that don’t uh inhibit our natural growth and put usback into that space of homeostasis where the body really can heal itselfyeah research things like neurogenesis where you have new Pathways to the brain opening up you have cellular cellularRejuvenation mitochondrial stimulation all these beautiful things are happening when you bring the body back the balancewell I’m excited to see the direction that that that that stuff goes because Iknow that there’s big things there and I know you’re doing a lot there as well I mean uh you mentioned Happy Life Labsbecause I’d like to learn a little bit more about that because it sounds like it sounds like a amazing an amazing place to visit but um but what what areyou doing through that you mentioned you know with uh bees and I know you’re involved with um uh with hives forHeroes and that kind of thing what’s uh what is happy life lives all about yeah so hives for Heroes is a nationalbeekeeping um organization that I serve on the board of advisors for and so in serving on theboard I recognize a critical missing piece and that is like okay so there’salready 3 000 uh people in our net in that network of people veterans that get paired with a beekeeper that beekeeperhelps them understand how bees work and you know reconnects them to Nature and also gives them purpose and also a veryviable business opportunity we look they look at bees like Capital assets right and so they double in size nearly everyyear give or take and then you gotta you can do something with those bees you can either you know harvest the honey andhave more produce or you can sell them and so it’s amazing like every year it’s like better than real estate rightum but anyway I saw a missing piece and so I’ve wanted to open a biohacking center for a number of years andeveryone knows that you know even through my yoga teaching I wanted to integrate uh biohacking products and itjust never found truly the right fit I’ve have helped a couple Studios integrate the red lights the fullspectrum sonospace um near infrared lights into their Studios but I’m like I want to create acenter where a lab you know we call it a lab because you come when you come here you’ll see all sorts of things thatyou’ve probably never seen and you’ll get to actually experience them and play with them and learn about them and justbe in the energy of like new thinking and as a as adults which is a place of primarily focused on you know Executivesand healing our nation’s Heroes you’ll come here and you’ll leave with like kidlike energy like oh my God like I don’t even know what to think it’s like going to a museum that you’ve never been to like right like there’s maybe tons ofexperiences and tools and products and conversations that are going to be had that will that you’ve likely never hadand so we and that’s not to go against anything that’s actually to enhance likeI say question everything like everything like if I’m gonna do this vaccine why am I doing it if I’mgoing to do this pill why am I doing it if I’m going to do an ice bath like why please tell me whyand it’s not my experience it shouldn’t be your doctor’s or my my job to tell you why you should figure out based onwhat what the thing is that you’re doing how that impacts you or other people and then make a conscious decision becauseonce again to reiterate which will never stop saying is that your greatest gift is that you have the ability to chooseyeah if you’re doing something or you’re unhealthy or you don’t like the way you look for goodness sakes like do somethingdifferent we have a we have a Consciousness mirror in this place uh where you just sit infront of it you set the timer for three minutes and you have to look at yourself wow and that’s a powerful thing by theway it’s to actually do that it sounds like what do I do I have to look at myself in the mirror every day yeah really look at look into your eyes forthree minutes yeah even harder I do it and it’s like I do it consistently andit’s hard every single time yeah but I’ve seen significant growth becauseyou can’t like our bodies are innately intelligent and it’s impossible to lie to yourself and so when you’re sittingin the mirror if you like see something you don’t like or you’re like you just feel that like you can likeyeah you know like and so it’s like it’s just it’s this way of taking your lifetaking the upgrade and saying you know what I’m not willing to feel like this anymore or be like this or I’m gonnaforgive that person I’m gonna let go because when you let go you let in rightso the more you let go the more you let into your life and so I believe in uh consciously just having that cycleflowing yeah yeah well it’s it’s I I find it really amazing to see I mean because youyou not only talk this talk um but you’re walking the walk because the energy that you have and and all thethings that you’re doing demonstrate that you know something well whatever you’re doing is working tremendouslybecause you’re you’re involved in all these things you’re impacting the world on a deep deep level on a high level andyou’re you’re still you know a great family person you’re involved in your family and and um and that it just seemsincredible to me that that you are walking the walk on the on the health front on the on the business front andum and that’s true to living your your values um so how what are you most excitedabout right now like what within happy uh Happy Life Labs or anything like that what are you most excited abouthappening there so I’m most excited about the awareness that it’s going to create about ourbroken system like you can’t possibly leave Happy Life Labs in a bad moodyou can barely even say Happy Life Labs without smiling right yeah so happinessis a choice our tagline is live happy and so it’s like all these things andit’s getting people and and like people that are you know held to very highlevels of um like power that are coming through our centers you know like we’re working withsome of the most elite professionals and athletes in the entire world already and we haven’t even officially opened and soyou know that based on that science and that data that we’re gonna make a verybig impact in the world and so we’re we’re already talking about how we’re going to mobilize Happy Life Labs andintegrate it into different Enterprises and create Global Solutions where like you can just just imagine like a trailershowing up outside of your office and you can do a sauna or a cold Plunge at lunch could you imagine how good of likeyour emails would go the rest of the day or like how much in Flow State you could actually be in productive versus likeyou know having to think about it and so it will also activate a lot of uniquePartnerships um with Enterprise clients that we currently have um and just creating that awareness butreally I’m like awkwardly obsessed with with veterans like I I am so gratefuland and law enforcement and First Responders like these people uh I’ve done a little service myself in theCyber intelligence communities uh with human trafficking whole another conversation but so I have thistremendous amount of gratitude um for helping these people because they literally selflessly said I’m going todo whatever it takes so that America can be free like and like possibly die andso now not everyone obviously has been in combat but at the same time it’s a collective effort and so I’m reallycommitted to helping heal our nation’s Heroes and my business partner at happy life lab Steve Jimenez is a fullydisabled combat Marine veteran and so I love him I love the energy he brings he is also the founder of hives for Heroesand so there is such powerful integration and we met at Rice business getting our mbas together and so he gotto hear my vision and I got to be a part of his because he heard mine and then weI decided that they’d work really good together well that that’s a that’s a that’s atrue champion team right there because I I’ve I’ve met I’ve met Steve only once uh at one of the uh go bonnets eventsbut just an amazing guide I mean any any Mission I I love that mission to to support our veterans in any way we canbecause I I feel that same draw to to that um almost on a a weird level like you dobut um because it is it is an amazing thing when I think about that the type ofCourage it takes to to to do that kind of stuff and uh and you know God bless you for doing what you’re doing to helphelp them and and uh and work with them um I’m uh yeah I’m excited to see what what what comes out of that uh HappyLife Labs and um and you kind of mentioned how you know that kind ofcontributes to the flow element and I wanted to find out what that means to you as far as how how flow lives in yourlife what uh and you know really what it means to you yeah so flow to me isimportant because I suffer from at least one known uh traumatic brain injury a level fourso it took me out um and so I’ve been had I’ve had a battle uh that injury my whole life andthat is part of the reason that I’m into yoga and biohacking because I got put on the traditional plan of take thisprescription medication it’ll be good for you to help you think and focus and do all this stuff and I said you know whatthere’s got to be a better way and so I took it into my own hands to become a superhuman right and challenge the quoand eradicate medicine and and say you know what the way to heal is throughnature and you know it’s it’s unbelievable until you do itlike it’s it’s hard to just say yeah if you spend more time outside you’ll start healing until you actually do it andthen you realize like how I don’t need to run 13 miles today to feel like I’min a good mood I can literally just spend some time on the grass getting the right sun and getting charged up andtake my calls outside and I’ll feel better and so flow state is important to me going backto your question because when I get into your state of flow I can knock out abouttwo to three days of work in about two to three hours I use this with soundlike I use sound right sound is really important uh way to get into Flow Stateand uh flow state is something that isn’t it’s that state you know the way I describe it is it’s a state where likeliterally the house could be burning down and you’re so in what you’re doing like you don’t even realize what’shappening yeah and that is so beautiful and that’s only created through purepresence and so whatever it takes you to get into that say the pure presence that’s howyou can actually feel a flow state or like Invincible or like you know hold mybeer I can do anything you know like whatever whatever that feeling is for you it’s just like that that that is areally beautiful place to be in and uh if you can get there you should stay there and uh there’s a lot of good waysto you know supplement and nootropics is a new big thing which is brain basedadaptogen adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms and I’m not I’m not even talking about the psilocybin type I’mjust talking about regular mushrooms there’s great Blends um being made by like companies highlike high Vibe mushrooms and that are consciously likecreating new ways for humans to think and evolve and like adapt and justhandle resilience in a way that’s simple like it doesn’t have to always be hard yeah yeah oh absolutely yeah it’s andyeah I mean that and that’s the that’s like the mystery of flow is you really find it yourself you have everybody hastheir own because you mentioned you know that there’s sound uh that that you do is and I wonder is that is that likemusic is it a certain type of music or is it some kind of uh Ambience or or what what do you do for soundyeah I like listened to a Spotify playlist called Focus flow I like everyone looks Works a little differenta little different but if you just Google like the best the best frequency wavelengths of soundto inhibit thinking or creativity like there’s a frequency for everything likethe vibrational frequency of Love is five to eight wow 128 Hertz if you hear that soundit’s literally almost impossible for your heart not to just start opening up and breaking down those barriers thatyou put up around it wow that’s pretty cool oh yeah um well that’s uh no that’sthat’s neat I think everybody has their own way of getting into flow but I’m with you like if you can figure that outif you can piece that out and find that that pure presence and what I call it I just I call it Transcendence becauseyou’re just literally like Rising above yourself um it is it is it’s glorious to be inthat state not having to be in that not worry um and you’re doing a lot of things to to Really uh you know level yourself upand like I say lead by example in these cases so I’m very grateful that you’reable to to share some time with us to present a lot of these things and there’s definitely room I really love tohave you back because I want to go deep on some of this stuff and like I know we could spend hours doing that butum but where in the meantime where can people find you and and what do you um what what are you know what’s next forfor Brett uh Harmony yeah uh thank you Adam uh it’s been an absolute pleasureto kind of share some of this something I’m clearly passionate about you know time doesn’t wait for anyone and so it’s my timeright it’s my time to start sharing the stuff that I’ve learned over the past 10 plus years and bringing that to bringlight to that and so the best place to find me is either on Instagram or Facebook Brett armling uh verystraightforward nothing fancy uh we’re building the happy life Brands right now and so you’ll see that evolve prettyrapidly over time and then also LinkedIn is a really good place professionally to find me you can also see uh some of thethings and projects that have been involved in and if there’s anybody in those networks that you see that I’m connected to that you want anintroduction to just please don’t hesitate to reach out that’s how I got to where I’m at today is I believethere’s two ways to get there it’s either education or it’s mentorship you know you find that person that you’relike that’s the best guy at that I want to meet him I want to learn from him those two pathways are amazing ways togrow faster and to get knowledge imprinted into your into yourself so that you can make the change that youwant to in the world that’s awesome well that’s incredible we’ll we’ll definitely look out for for Brett look out for whathe’s doing with Happy Life Labs because it’s it’s I mean it just sounds like it’s world changing and I’m excited tosee where it goes I’m excited to see where all of your projects go definitely check them out on LinkedIn because it’lllist every project he’s working on and and there’s a lot there and um and you’ll see that this dude does not justtalk the talk he walks the walk with all of this stuff so uh check him out thank you Brett for being here man this wasthis was an awesome conversation I’m looking forward to round two and everyone out there thank you forlistening and we’ll see you next time