Three Ways High Achievers Push Through Fear to Achieve Incredible Results
In this episode of Flow Over Fear, join Adam as he explores three common themes related to pushing beyond fear that have arisen in his interviews with high performing individuals. These three things include the importance of community, faith, and absolute responsibility. Learn how finding the right group of people can help you push past your fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs and reach your goals. How faith can help you to navigate the things you can and can’t control, and how absolute responsibility can free you from victimhood.
the truth is that people who haveachieved achieved the things that wewant to and have found the Fulfillmentthat that they want in lifeuh they’re just like everybody elsethey’re just like usthey’ve experienced the fear they’veexperienced it at a high levelthey’ve just found the tools and theresources to get through ithello everyone and welcome to the flowover fear podcast where it is ourmission to help you to rise above fearand realize your ultimate potential inleadership and life I’m your host AdamHill and it is my goal to share with youthe human side of high performance myguests share their experience with fearanxiety struggle Challenge and mostimportantly despite all of it how theyRose above it to achieve incredibleresults so if you’re ready to rise uplet’s get started hello everyone andwelcome to this episode of flow overfear and three things and over thecourse of the last many weeks I’ve hadan opportunity to interview some prettyincredible people people that have thathave overcome their own fears in theirown lives and anxieties and mentalhealth issues and challenges all thatrun the Gambit but all to achievegreater results in their own lives and Iwanted to share today three ways thatsome of those people three of the commonthemes that I found in these interviewsof how people have pushed Beyond fear toachieve incredible results there havebeen already within you know the 50 orso episodes that we’ve done at thispoint a lot of uh a lot of commonalitiesbetween Within These High achievers andit’s important for us to recognize thatbecause for many of us we want toachieve great resultsand we know we have it inside of us whenwe’re aligned on our values and when wewhen we have Clarity of purpose when wedo all of the right things that personaldevelopment tells us to do that we havethat capability to achieve that but inthe momentwe can be overcome by fear and fear ofcourse is that biggest obstacle andhowever it shows upfear can show up as imposter syndrome itcan show up as uh as anxiety or Panic itcan show up as irrational fearbutin any of those respects it’s anobstacle to us achieving those resultsand the whole point of this show is toshift that frame of reference on itshead and say well what if fear is notreally an obstacle but what if we canreally look at it as a signal somethingthat can show us where we need to leaninto where where we can lean into it andactually find greater growth and a lotof the people that I’ve interviewed havealready done thatum and we can all do it too and I wantto show everybody how we can do thatbut the problem is is that many of usyou know feel like when we see uh thepeople that I interview or highAchievers or people that have alreadyachieved something great when we look atwhat they’ve achieved we often say toourselves well we can’t be that becausethere are already so many steps ahead ofus that it’s you know it’s impossible toget there or you know our limitingbeliefs come to our mind or self-doubtcomes into mind and it gets in the wayof us actually pursuing what we want toachieve and it gets into that dangeroustrap have you ever felt that wayI know if you’re listening to this andyou’ve experienced fear or impostersyndrome or anything like that you’veprobably felt that sense of self-worthor not being enough or not being able tobe where somebody isuh and that of course leads to usstaying stuck with where we’re ateither stuck in unfulfillingcircumstances not able to move forwardor take the next step or thinking thatthe next step is too big and we justcan’t make it to the top of the mountainbecause we’re not readyand so we convince ourselves that weneed to stay in the same place that weare stuck and unfulfilledand frustratedbut what I want to share is that and andthe reason whythis show exists is to show that peoplewho have achieved those things for themost part anybody who’s in thosesituations most of us most of the peoplethat I interview have gone throughyou know significant challengesand they’ve experienced the same levelof frustration or stuck or oruncertainty or fear that you haveand because of that they’ve carved apath and one of my recent guests uh MikeAyala actually said this that you knowif someone else has carved the path orif someone else has already done whatyou want to do well then it’s just amatter of unraveling it dismantling itand and recognizing what framework thatis to actually employ it yourself itsounds simple right I mean it is asimple concept but it’s not easy to getpast the obstacles that are in her headour limiting beliefs and those kinds ofthings the truth is that people who haveachieved achieved the things that wewant to and have found the Fulfillmentthat that they want in lifeuh they’re just like everybody elsethey’re just like usthey’ve experienced the fear they’veexperienced it at a high levelthey’ve just found the tools and theresources to get through it I want toshare a couple of those with you today Ijust want to share three of those withyou todaybecause these three are the commonthemes that have showed up repeatedlythroughout the interviews I didn’t forcethem I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t leadthem but these are what have come upnaturally and organically through thisconversation and I think they’re vitaland they’re not by no means exhaustivebut uh but these are some really bigones and the first one the first elementof that that that many high Achieversuse to help push them to their goals andand push them beyond the fear iscommunitythis is such an important concept and Ididn’t even I’d never understood thisuntil I got sober in my 30sI believe that I had to do everything onmy ownall the way back from when I wasexperiencing anxiety and fear early onin my life I thought that I was alonebecause I thought I was crazyI thought the fear inside me and I knewthe fear that was inside me was soirrationalso unnecessarythat I knew that other people wouldthink I’m crazy and I felt very alonebecause of thatand I know that other people whoexperience mental health issuesexperience that sense of aloneness aswell if aloneness is even a word I don’teven know if it’s a word but I wouldn’thave even been able to say aloneness inmy previous life without being afraid ofwhat people thought of meum and frankly I still care about whatyou think of me don’t get me wrong butbut not so much that I care if you careif I say aloneness but anyway I digressumI was alone I felt alone but I wasn’talone40 million people in the United Statesalone have have anxiety disorders orsome form of anxietyit’s prevalent in our society and onlyrecently has it been become okay tostart opening up about it and talkingabout it and it’s becoming more so aswe’re you know as we’re over stimulatedin this worlduh you know 10 percent of the populationis in in the last place that I’ve readexperiences addictionor alcoholism or something that thatlike thatand there’s communities for these placesthat was the first community that I gotinto was a community of sobrietyand it was what really helped me getsober because I found a group of peoplethat had what I wantedand that’s the important Concept in anyCommunity not just the healing part ofit not just the part where we go throughthe healing process where Community isimportant but also the learning and thementorship process where that’simportant in my life I learned about thecommunities in the healing side of itthrough sobrietyand when I started getting intoTriathlon I learned about that throughTriathlon clubs and communities oftriathletes who had what I wanted whowho became what I wanted I wanted toqualify for the Iron Man worldchampionship and I saw other people thatdid it and I joined their Communitysounds simple rightwell it is that simple it’s not easy butit is simple and this is whatentrepreneurs or people like that dothey join communitiesand in my entrepreneurial efforts or inmy business efforts I’ve joinedcommunities of organizations includinggobundance and brand builders group thatthat have helped me to work through alot of the challenges I have in mybusiness or through the challenges Ihave in my brand and ultimately learnhow to better serve the communityum in in a better way we can utilize thecommunities not just to get the help weneed but also learn to servea rising tide lifts All Ships and we dothat in a communityand that is why most of the Achieversthat I’ve had on my podcast and mostAchievers in general have some communityof people that they surround themselveswith that lift them upwho is the community that you’resurrounding yourself with is it a groupof people that are that are pulling youdown is it a group of people that arethat are draining your energy are youfeeling lifted up by themare you feeling like you’re gainingvalue from them are you feeling likeyou’re giving value to them do you wantto continue to engage in themif that’s not where you’re at find thosecommunities it’s it’s easier than everto find communities like that withsocial media and and there are tons ofof ways to engage in that processand and so finding a community that’sreally the first thing that helps us topush beyond our fears and to rise aboveour fears we’ll find that we have morecourage when we’re surrounded by peoplewho are working toward our goalsand the second elementis is faiththe second way that that high Achieversreally push through their fears isthrough faith and I know this soundsvery cliche but it is one is it isanother one that comes up quitefrequently in uh in these interviews andand I know that this can be acontroversial subjectbecause this Faith requires you knowthat wethat we have a sense of well faith thatwe believe in something that might notbe completely evidence-based now that webelieve that there’s a higher powerworking toward a greater good and I knowthat I’ve said in the past that this isnot meant to be a a religious show or aspiritual show but ultimately whathappens when we’re talking about fearand what what happens when we’re talkingabout pushing into the greatest versionof ourselves we have to transcendwho we are nowand in order to transcend thattakes more than justa belief in ourselvesthat is certainly a step is is no isbelieving in ourselvesbut it’s also understanding and havingthe faiththat there’s a greater goodthat’s looking out for our well-beingwhether that is the universe or or orGodthat it’s thereyou know for me and I’ve I’veinterviewed a lot of people who who talkabout who talk about God being what theyhave that fate where they found thatfaith that they found faith in a God andand that that trends that helped them totransform into the greatest version ofthemselves whether it be their servicewhether it be their attitude whether itbe the way they show up in the worldumand for me that’s true as wellwhen Iwhen I went through my firsttransformationI’ve always believed in in a god it’sjust my nature it’s it’s not it’s notsomething that I I push on anybody I’mvery very open-minded on that in thatway but it’s something that I I believeand I’ve always privately believed butwhen I uh uh uh and I even believed inthat God during my worst of times when Iwas when I was drinking heavily when Ihad full of when I was full of anxietyand a lot of times during that time I Iwas asking and I was asking why God whyme why why am I why am I strugglingthrough this why does this happen to mewhen you knowum you know why why am I going throughall this pain and why is there all thispain in the world and that becomes abigger conversation of course but uh butit was ultimatelywhen I reached my worstwhere I finally let go of controland I gave myself to a higher powerrealizing that I could not do it alonethat higher power led me to communityand in that Community I believe thathigher power exists existed but it wasreally faith that helped me through thatand I for a lot of people regardless oftheir background um you know that I I’vetalked with people who’ve hadbackgrounds where they’ve spent time injail where they were scientists and andall sorts of backgroundsthey’ve come to Faith in some way oranotherin order to elevate to their very bestself and their best version of serviceso faith is a very very important partuh it is just a common theme that I’veheard in a lot of these interviews andit’s something to consider and if itmakes you feel uncomfortableum I understand and this is not meant tobe some kind of I’m going to convinceyou to find God or whatever it happensthere but what I am going to do is I’mgoing to challenge you with thatdiscomfort and say maybe maybe we shouldlook at discomfort as something weshould desire maybe we should desirediscomfort after all if we’re going torise above fear we have to lean into itand really dig deep into why we’refeeling uncomfortable about itand then the third thing the third thingis really important too and and is alsomight make us feel a little bituncomfortable but it’s also a recurringtheme that I’m hearing throughout theseinterviews which isthese people that are achieving greatthings despite the fear and overcominggreat challenges are taking absoluteresponsibility within their livesand I’ve heard this on multipleoccasions that you know there’s there’sa couple of directions we can go ashuman beings when we experience Trumptraumatic events orum or difficulties or or things likethat and I just kind of mentioned itwithin that faith faith piece is thatis thatyou know we either lean into this victimmentality where we constantly stay avictim of our circumstancewhere something bad happens to usand we think that that’s life happeningto usand then we we internalize that as beinga victim and somehow being less than andnot being able to be enough and that ofcourse translates into frustration andburnout and and and and staying stuckbecause we choose to be in that victimplaceand I know that might trigger a lot ofpeople when I say choose to be in thatvictim place because legitimatelythere’s a lot of victimHood out therebut we don’t have to live there we don’thave to live therewe don’t have to live in victimmentality and when we can take absoluteresponsibility over our lives not overcircumstances I mean I’m not askingpeople to take responsibility overtrauma that has existed in their livesbut one common theme that I see withpeople who have healed who haverecovered who have who have become youknow have been able to transcend andtransform their former selveshas beentaking responsibility of their own livestaking responsibility of who they arenow who they have been and who they willbeand when we take that responsibilitybackwe gain freedomand that freedomcomeswitha tremendous responsibilityand so we have to own it we own thatresponsibilityumand that’s not always an easy path butthat the path of growth is never easythe path of growth is never easy it issomething that is challenging becausewhen because we have to have resistancein order to growand so if bad things happen in themoment they feel bad they feel traumaticthey feel terrible but if we’re able toheal through themif we’re able to take ownership of itthat’s what I mean by it I don’t meansaying that it’s your fault it’sdefinitely not your fault for for any ofthe circumstances that hit in your lifeyou are enough you are enoughbut taking responsibility means justtaking ownership of it ownership of whoyou are who you have been who you willbenot in shame not in judgmentbut with empowermentso that you can grow and become the bestway to serve othersimagine if you could take ownership ofsomething that has caused you painand be able to turn that into Triumphand help others to do the samethat’s what we do with fearwhen I think about fear and I thinkabout my anxiety and I think about thethe time that you know the times thatI’ve hurt people within my addictionand the times where I felt that I wasslighted by other peopleI take responsibility for it I takeownership of itI take ownership of of the person I wasat a young age with social anxiety thatwas me that’s I own thatand I and I heal from it and now I tryto help people to rise above it and findthat superpower in thereI think we can all we can all do thatand when we can when we can Embracethese three elements of community faithand absolute responsibilitythe reward is that we can achievegreater fulfillment we can get out ofthat stuck modewe can transcend this life that we’re innow and and find a more glorious and amore fulfilling path a more joyful patha more joyful lifethat includes continuous growthand that is not an easy pathbut if you want joy and fulfillment inthis life you should not be seeking theeasy path we should be seeking the pathof of continuous growth which includesdiscomfortthat’s not easy but it’s it’s by allmeans it’s more fulfillingand if you want proof of thatwell most of the uh interviews that I’vehad thus far with Achievers as we’vetalked through these fear elements andhow they achieve greater flow and howthey achieve more in their lives theytalk about these the theum the communities they’ve been a partof that have helped lift them up theytalk about their faith uh you know notjust in themselves but in that higherpower that talk about responsibility andtaking that responsibility and andbuilding on it those all help them togrowand for me that’s been a huge elementthat’s changed my life ever since beingsomebody who’s lived in that victimmentality of of uh you know in myaddiction in my anxiety disorder tosomebody who’s been able to turn thatinto something where I can push that andI can find courage that I can become acourageous person that’s able to leaninto fear and find that greaterachievementif you’d like to learn more about all ofthese things don’t you know uh obviouslysubscribe to this podcast and listen tothe interviews because we want I want todig in and I want to continue to sharethis message but also reach out to me ifyou if you’d like to learn more abouthow uh you know how we can rise abovefear and Achieve greater flow if youwant to achieve that in your businessand and in your lifeum I you know working through a groupcoaching platform that that adds theseelements and that helps us to build thattype of communityand if you’re interested please reachout to me but in the meantime thank youfor joining me on this episode of threeof flow over fear three things lookforward to catching you next time thanksfor tuning in hey everyone Thanks fortuning in to the flow over fear podcastif you’d like to learn more aboutgetting into flow and learn thefoundations of flow I have a free videoseries on my website atwww.adam called thefoundations of flow feel free to gothere and download it and start yourjourney to Rising above fear andachieving greater flow in your life ifyou like this episode and I’m guessingyou did if you stuck around for thislong then please do me a favor and hitthe Subscribe button and you willreceive notifications when I have newinterviews new Recaps and new trainingsthat pop up on YouTube thanks again forjoining us